Workshop on sensors, membranes & smart filters

Mistra TerraClean had a two Days workshop on sensors, membranes and smart filters on May 29 &30.

The first day we were att Joydeep Duttas lab at KTH Kista. Joydeep and his colleaugues talked about their activities in antifoul ploysulphone membranes, including some of the very recent work on CNT and graphene nanocomposites for antifouling membranes suitable for highly polluting industrial Environments, like in the pharma or food industries.

The second day we were invited to Aji Mathews lab at Stockholm University. Aji and her team were focusing on membrane fabrication and talked about different possibilities on how to create a highly absorbed  filter. The whole group then got to see the lab and with help from Ajis students see the different aspects of the process.