Mistra Programme directors’ meeting

How can research more influence policy development in the European Union? That was one important topic of the Mistra Programme Directors’ meeting in January 2020. New knowledge can help the policy to be more fact based – but then we need to communicate our results in effective and efficient ways....

Workshop on LCA

WP4 arranged a workshop yesterday, on LCA tools and safety assesments,  at Näringslivets hus. It was a very fruitful day! Now we will take it to the next step and think about how to implement it in our work. Thank you Lisbeth and Tomas @ IVL

Workshop on sensors, membranes & smart filters

Mistra TerraClean had a two Days workshop on sensors, membranes and smart filters on May 29 &30. The first day we were att Joydeep Duttas lab at KTH Kista. Joydeep and his colleaugues talked about their activities in antifoul ploysulphone membranes, including some of the very recent work on CNT...